VPS Server New Zealand

Wish to launch your project for the communities reside in or near southwestern Pacific Ocean of the world under restricted budget but with an approach to force executing commands as a root user, the best way is joining this thought is VPS Server New Zealand. It will provide you dedicated access as well as it will most economical form of dedicated hosting, moreover, you and your targeted audience will enjoy lowest latency and fastest outcome of browsing and data loading. Whatever your project nature is, you can create bought instance to utilize for that because we are equally good to offer Linux as well as windows based containers. We have enforced technological and economical precise ways to virtualize a dedicated server. To lower down prices as much as possible, Linux nodes will be distributed through LXC virtualization whereas every Windows virtual private server will be provisioned as Kernel-based Virtual Machine. Though there are high costs for bandwidth in New Zealand yet we have included a favorable amount even in a very basic plan. Those who needs unlimited traffic associated with machine can purchase high resourced plans.

VPS Server New Zealand

VM Plans and Pricing for New Zealand

As virtual private servers are the cheapest form of dedicated hosting so we made it more in reach by distributing server's resources in the manners that can be utilized for numerous needs. Purpose to make different VM plans is to divide all resources including RAM, Cores, Space and bandwidth from least to maximum so that one can start from the lowest and later with the increase in business and traffic and move to next one.

New Zealand VPS order


  • Custom Virtualization

    To ensure the accuracy and performance we have adopted secure and presently advanced technique to virtualize.

  • Lowest Latency

    Due to 100 Mbps default port, Solid state drives and reliable internet services provider, offer lowest regional latency.

  • SSD Storage

    In association with top notch hardware and every part of provisioning, you can enjoy the accomplishment and performance of VM's accuracy.

windows OS
cpanel and plesk

Cheap New Zealand based Virtual Servers

Are you interested in converting a virtual private server into a VPN, want to run command as high privileged user or Administrator for a pin pointed audience like for Australian Continent and ahead of all you do not want to pay much, if the answer is yes then the most suitable approach to reach that target is to deploy a cheapest New Zealand based virtual private server.